From Anxiety and Fear to Joy and Song ....... Parashat B'shalach Exodus 13:17-17:16 11 Shevat 5778
馃幍馃幍馃幍 From Anxiety and Fear to Joy and Song 馃檲 馃懜馃檴馃槹馃榾 ---Rabbi Yonatan Sadoff--- Song of the Sea We all find ourselves in fear-provoking or anxiety-inducing situations from time to time or, for some, even daily. I t is no wonder, as t here are so many stresses and pressures in our lives. We are concerned about our own health and the health of our loved ones; we have fear in connection with financial matters (paying bills, sending our kids to university); the work place can invoke all kinds of fears; there's a fear of heights, of small spaces, of water, of wind and you can fill in your favorite fear... We can try to control all of these external situations. For example, if one has a fear of flying, then he can take a bus, train or boat -- but then other anxiety-provoking situations seem to pop up in their place. In short, the problem is the fear and anxiety within and not the external situation. Fear, worry and anxiety will probably not disappear from ou...